The Enchanted Wanderer is a Russian Candide with a revolutionary edge, a picaresque that features a fast-talking monk named Ivan who is at war, it seems, with every level of...
Sometimes there are situations that require human skills to put a person in place. This problem is often not an easy task, given that people are different and they leverage that...
Would you like multiple streams of lifetime income flowing into your life?Popular speaker, multimillionaire, and author of the all-time bestselling real-estate book Nothing Down,...
Who Moved My Cheese? is an amusing and enlightening story of four characters who live in a maze and look for cheese to nourish them and make them happy. Cheese is a metaphor for...
Brian Tracy offers you a highly effective, short, and intensive way to achieve impressive business results.This audiobook will help your company get on the fast track to more...
Is your business going through a tough time? No idea how to deal with unforeseen problems and what to do in critical circumstances? Do not despair, there is a solution! In "Crunch...
The story follows a separatist guerrilla Murat who falls out with his own commander and eventually sides with the Imperial Russian forces in hope of saving his family. Tolstoy...
Молодая рыжая собака — помесь такса с дворняжкой — очень похожая мордой на лисицу» по кличке...
На свадьбе у Ольги Ивановны были все ее друзья и добрые знакомые. — Посмотрите на него: не и правда...
Избранные произведения поэта Анастасии Вольной заставят нас задуматься о том, зачем мы живём,...