Love dump cakes, but can't have them with eggs?Dump cakes don't have to be made with eggs any longer!In this dump cake recipe book, Martha Lewis has listed some of the...
Don't like buying bread from the supermarket? Feel it does not have that homemade taste?Christine Rooney brings to you in this homemade bread cookbook, a great collection of...
Canning and preserving requires attention to detail and a thorough step-by-step solution on your part.Judy Maxwell provides a robust water bath canning guide for those wanting to...
Cheese cakes are one of those desserts that can send a person's mouth watering all over the place. Who doesn't like cheese cake right!Courtney Barnes lists out a range of...
Craving a dump cake? Love chocolate? Who doesn't?!Why not have both in this wonderful combination called a choclate dump cake?Zoe Harper in this choclate dump cake recipe book...
Craving good baked potato? Don't want to go to the store and purchase it ready made? There is truly nothing like homemade baked potato.Marilyn James sits down and provides the...
Pomegranate Berry SmoothieIngredients1/2 cup water1/2 cup nonfat cottage cheese1 cup pomegranate juice1 medium banana2 cups frozen mixed berries2 cups ice (if using fresh...
Searching for good dietary advice often leaves us feeling confused and overwhelmed. There are always opposing parties that contradict a dietary program that we may have thought...
New Edition.The Thai cuisine is characterized by its flavors and its extraordinary variety of ingredients, which make it look like one of the most interesting and fascinating of...
Want to preserve your foods? Don't want to see them go to waste?Learn what it takes to can and preserve foods the right way.Jenna Smallings pinpoints the best options for...