"Why do we want to dominate or be subservient to another? - 20 August 1949 • Why is it that we dominate, consciously or unconsciously?• To submit oneself to another is the...
"The benediction of meditation - 17 November 1968• We shall explore together into this life, existence, in which is includedrelationship, love and death, not merely as a...
Full of humorous stories about gangsters, bootleggers, gamblers, and their women inhabiting New York's Broadway. A world of speakeasies and dancing girls where a gambler or...
Wether his syndicate knew it or not, the take down of the biggest crew in the city is his absolute motive so work has to be done. Klonovsky is contemplating on killing Crimson, it...
"To look without a concept is to be aware of the observer and the thing observed - 20 May 1967• Violence and sorrow are not limited to the West or the East; it is part of the...
J. KRISHNAMURTI Jiddu Krishnamurti (May 12, 1895–February 17, 1986) was a world renowned writer and speaker on philosophical and spiritual subjects. His subject matter included:...
"What is the operation of thought? - 14 July 1974 • In the world around us and inside us, is there a relationship between the inner and the outer?• Are you free to listen or...
"What is the relationship between attention and lack of attention? - 3 August 1974• We are educated to follow, accept and conform. This is tradition, second-hand.• When you...
"What is wisdom which is not a movement of thought? - 4 October 1975 • Wisdom, intelligence and truth.• If there is attention is there choice?• Why has man divided...
"When one observes a fact without knowledge then one can learn - 28 May 1967• Why do we dream at all?• Isn’t dreaming at night a waste of energy, when the brain needs to...